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Showing posts from September, 2017

091517 Graham-Cassidy is worse than other ACA repeal bills

While berniebros and Democrats were patting each other on the back for filing/co-sponsoring a Medicare-for-All bill in the Senate this week, the republicans were fuming with anger about trump seeming to stab them in the back on DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - the Dreamers program), so much so that burning red MAGA hats was all over social media. So, as Politco puts it, " Sens. Lindsey Graham, Bill Cassidy, Dean Heller and Ron Johnson on Wednesday released an Obamacare repeal bill, framing it as the last, best hope to fulfill the GOP's promise to undo the health law." That's not toward universal healthcare access - instead, it rips coverage away from millions and would destroy children's hospitals, rural hospitals, many physician and dentist practices, and throws nurses, physical/occupationa/speech/respiratory therapists out of work, and puts all of us in jeopardy as emergency rooms will be overcrowded with uninsured people seeking care, preventing o

091317 Senate Medicare-for-All proposal

Let’s talk about the most recent Medicare-for-All proposal in the Senate. We need hearings, expert witnesses, specifics, and we need to talk through the advantages and disadvantages specifically and with a critical eye, so we get universal coverage as soon as possible. As a physician, I love the idea of single payer or Medicare-for-all. Everyone would have coverage, so people get care earlier in illness and don’t get so sick, don’t need emergent care as often, and have happier, healthier, longer lives. I would make more money, even at somewhat lower rates per service, because I’m not working for free 20-25% of the time, as I have done much of my career in Texas, and I don’t have to hire a lot of staff to file claims and fight with insurance companies or track down delayed payments. If it’s Medicare Managed Care, then not so good for physicians, because there would still be networks, gatekeeping, lots of claim denials…so how it’s administered matters. I support a non-managed care Med